We want to introduce the concept of cardinality to describe the size of a set. According to Theorem 6(6) in this article, we know that for any finite set
Similarly, the concept of cardinality can be extended to infinite sets. However, since infinite sets do not have a specific "number of elements", it is not as straightforward to rigorously define the cardinality of them. However, we can still choose some infinite sets and specially assign a cardinality to them. Thus, we can define cardinality as follows.
The cardinality of a finite set is defined as its number of elements. Specially, we define the cardinality of
Nevertheless, by analogy with finite sets, two sets have the same cardinality if and only if they are equinumerous (i.e., in a one-to-one correspondence). Additionally, if one set precedes another, we say that the cardinality of the first set is less than that of the second. Thus, we can define the equivalence and partial order in terms of cardinalities.
We define the equivalence relation
Let us further examine the addition, multiplication, and exponentiation of cardinal numbers. According to Corollary 1 in this article, the sum of the cardinalities of two disjoint finite sets equals the cardinality of their union, the product of the cardinalities of two finite sets equals the cardinality of their Cartesian product, and the exponentiation of the cardinalities of two finite sets equals the cardinality of their power. Following these patterns, we can similarly define addition, multiplication, and exponentiation for arbitrary sets.
The addition, multiplication, and exponentiation of cardinalities are defined as
By convention, when no ambiguity arises, we may also write
For example, using the notations defined above, since we have discussed that
Next, we will prove the inclusion-exclusion principle for finite sets.
By repeatedly applying Theorem 1, we can also extend the inclusion-exclusion principle to the union of
In the second half of this section, we will calculate the cardinalities of some important sets.
If we denote the set of all prime numbers as
We will now prove a somewhat counterintuitive theorem: the set of all sequences of natural numbers is equinumerous with the set of all sequences of real numbers. Equivalently, this means
The last two theorems we prove require some preliminaries in calculus.
We can define
Therefore, based on Theorem 7 and Theorem 8, it is easy to determine the cardinality of some sets of functions with conditions that are weaker than continuity or stronger than Riemann integrability.